Multi-Action is part of ID Images, a unified collective of award-winning label companies across North America. Learn more at:


Bill S-211

MultiAction Code of Conduct

Addressed to its employees and partners, such as suppliers and customers

Purpose and Corporate Responsibility

Our goal is to provide businesses with a high-quality, global labeling experience. We are more than just a label supplier; we are data communicators committed to providing a comprehensive, high-quality labeling experience. From concept to completion, we offer exceptional technical support and solution services, integrating sustainability into every step. Our comprehensive range of eco-friendly labels is a testament to our commitment to a more sustainable future.

Our strengths: Fast. Easy. Value-driven. Transparent. 

We work continuously to ensure quality products delivered to our customers on time, while providing them with outstanding service. This can only be done by working with our suppliers to ensure that products are delivered on time, according to orders. In addition, we collaborate to ensure the accuracy of the order, checking the quality of the order upon receipt, the quantities ordered and delivered, the condition of the product and its packaging, etc.

Mission and Values of Multi-Action Communication Inc.

Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s mission is to deliver with absolute reliability the products and services offered by the Company and requested by customers. 

Our management philosophy is based on a firm and clear intention to create a warm work environment, where each employee takes personal pride in delivering quality work and taking responsibility for finding solutions to problems.

The Management, for its part, is committed to doing everything possible to support its staff in this quest for quality of delivery. It strives to create a work environment that values this professional commitment, positive attitudes, and the behaviors that contribute to it.

On the other hand, the shortcomings and dysfunctions of employees who do not respect this spirit of involvement and professionalism cannot, of course, be tolerated and will necessarily imply corrective coaching and training; failure to comply may lead to termination of employment. 

As entrepreneurs, we have invested countless hours, considerable financial effort and many personal sacrifices, so we are very proud to share these years of experience with you.

It is precisely because of all these years of commercial deployments that we expect employees to continue this mission on a daily basis.

Purpose of the Code of Conduct

The main objective of this Code of Conduct is to inform our clients of the various standards applied, training for employees and other aspects of public interest of Multi-Action Communication Inc. 

In addition, this guide applies to all partners and suppliers of Multi-Action Communication Inc., regardless of the type of product sold, from raw materials of different materials to transportation, chemicals, supplies, etc.

Code of Conduct Compliance

Multi-Action Communication Inc. is committed to the inclusiveness of this Code of Conduct, which includes these laws, standards and regulations regarding packaging products, as well as respect for fundamental human rights. 

Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s business partners are strongly encouraged to share their best practices in a transparent manner and to provide complete and relevant information to Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s responsible sourcing approach. This includes compliance regulations or other documents that are in the interest of the sustainable performance of the company and its relevant stakeholders, including its customers. There are multiple requests such as letters of guarantee on the non-presence of PFAS, BPS, BPA or any other chemical material in the raw materials, on the non-presence of allergens, on the sustainable and ethical sourcing of raw materials, on the health and general conditions of the manufacturing plants, and even on compliance with the technicalities of the product.

Through this Code of Conduct, Multi-Action Communication Inc. also ensures that its suppliers comply with these laws, standards and regulations mentioned above, in addition to any other specific requests required for the delivery of compliant labels.

Compliance Tracking

Multi-Action Communication Inc. is responsible for providing clients with all up-to-date documents, as requested, and when they are amended. Documents are always available to customers. 

Multi-Action Communication Inc. reserves the right to request documents from its suppliers in order to validate the compliance of products processed in Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s plants. Additional documents may be requested in order to complete various applications. If necessary, supplier audits will be conducted, in addition to annual evaluations.

Certificates requested from all our suppliers

Our suppliers are encouraged to submit their policies, code of conduct, due diligence and any other certifications deemed important to their efforts to uphold human rights, or the eradication of forced labour, child labour and modern slavery in all its forms.

Human Well-Being

At Multi-Action Communication Inc., we value communication, integrity, sharing and respect for others in our business relationships with all our partners. Multi-Action Communication Inc. applies these same values to its employees. 

In order to ensure maximum well-being for all, a communication policy has been established across all the group’s sites. Its role is to strengthen communications, collaborations and all other types of internal and inter-company exchanges, as well as with partners, such as customers and suppliers.

Respect, Discrimination, Violence and Harassment in the Workplace

Multi-Action Communication Inc. recognizes that every human being has intrinsic rights and freedoms, including the right to respect, to safeguard his or her dignity and to have his or her physical and psychological integrity protected. It follows that any form of harassment, whether physical or psychological, is a form of violation of fundamental human rights. 

Harassment, discrimination, violence and disrespect for others are not tolerated at Multi-Action Communication Inc. We strongly believe that these issues disrupt the atmosphere and deteriorate working conditions, which is why partners, customers and suppliers, must commit to maintaining a respectful work environment free of these harmful issues, throughout their collaboration with Multi-Action Communication Inc.

As part of this commitment, all employees must respect the dignity, self-esteem, honour and reputation of their co-workers, regardless of whether they are subordinates, superiors or colleagues at the same level. 

Multi-Action Communication Inc. is committed to maintaining a workplace free from all forms of harassment. This is why these words must be respected as suppliers and clients of Multi-Action Communication Inc.

Employees and partners must contribute to raising awareness, informing and training the community in order to prevent harassing conduct and ensure that everyone has the right to be treated fairly without discrimination or harassment. 

Multi-Action Communication Inc. is committed to providing the necessary support to people who believe they are experiencing any type of violence or discrimination during exchanges and collaborations, directly or indirectly, by establishing mechanisms for assistance and complaint processing. 

Additional information on this component can be found in the Employee Handbook.

Freedom of association and protection against discrimination

Multi-Action Communication Inc. expects its partners to actively participate in social dialogue, preserving the right to freedom of association and expression, in accordance with local laws and to prohibit all forms of discrimination.

Forced labour, child labour and modern slavery

Partners must not use forced labour, child labour or any form of human trafficking and slavery under any circumstances, and must actively combat these practices in their own supply chains. Work must be voluntary, and workers must have the freedom to terminate their employment.

Juvenile workers

All partners must have hiring practices that verify the exact age of their employees. Suppliers must comply with the legal age of employment established by the countries or regions where they operate and child labour must not take place in unsafe conditions, disrupt their education or otherwise contravene Canadian law and the 1999 Convention on the Worst Forms of Child Labour.

Multi-Action Communication Inc. requires its suppliers to follow at least the recommendations of the International Labour Organization, which is among other things 15 years for regular work, even if the country where the supplier performs its functions has higher standards than the ILO.

Employee training on forced labour and child labour

We are committed to upholding Bill S-211 and promoting the well-being of children around the world. That’s why we provide our employees with training and awareness on issues related to forced and child labour, as well as how to prevent and combat them. We invite you to review our Forced Labour and Child Labour Policy, available on our website, and to contact us if you have any questions or concerns about it.

Working conditions

Partners must comply with national laws regarding salary, hours of work, time off, coaching and training, and benefits, paying at least the minimum amounts required. In addition, they must pay premium rates for overtime, in accordance with the legislation that is in force. Partners must also ensure that their employees have the ability to work legally.

Prohibition on the importation into Canada of goods manufactured in whole or in part through the use of forced labour or child labour

Our company reserves the right to refuse or terminate a supplier already in business if we have a reasonable suspicion that a product is manufactured in whole or in part by the use of forced labour and child labour. We believe that this practice is unacceptable and we will take action to ensure that it is banned.

Health & Safety

Multi-Action Communication Inc. and its employees will join forces to maintain a high level of health, safety, sanitation and physical integrity in the workplace in order to prevent industrial accidents and diseases. In order to comply with laws and standards, training, preventive actions and support are offered to employees.

Any individual working at Multi-Action Communication Inc. or coming from outside the production floor is required to wear the required personal protective equipment.

Multi-Action Communication Inc. agrees that it is its responsibility to respect and comply with the laws and regulations in force of the Government of Quebec regarding occupational health and safety. Partners and employees will have to support Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s efforts in this direction.

Thanks to the Occupational Health and Safety Committee, a bi-monthly meeting is planned, and various topics are covered, such as prevention methods, corrective actions, etc.

Alcohol and Drugs in the Workplace

All alcoholic beverages, legal and illegal drugs are prohibited on the property of Multi-Action Communication Inc. Multi-Action Communication Inc. prohibits its employees from working while impaired, in order to maintain a healthy, safe and efficient work environment for employees. Any partner visiting Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s premises must also comply with these rules.


The partners undertake not to reveal or communicate to anyone any secret or protected information belonging to Multi-Action Communication Inc. or its clients, such as, among others, business strategies, financial data, knowledge, formulas, processes, drawings, photos, plans, specifications, samples, reports, prices, etc.  studies, results, inventions and ideas. Partners may only use this information for the purpose of providing products and services to Multi-Action Communication Inc. Any information that is not public will be considered confidential.

Confidential data collection

Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s Privacy Policy explains how the company collects, uses, discloses, and protects the personal information of users of its website. It applies to all interactions between Multi-Action Communication Inc. and users, whether they are customers, prospects, partners or suppliers. The privacy policy specifies the types of information collected, the purposes of its processing, the security measures implemented, the rights of users regarding their data, as well as the methods of contacting Multi-Action Communication inc. in the event of questions or complaints. The Privacy Policy is posted in its entirety on Multi-Action Communication Inc.’s website.

Anti-corruption and other fraudulent practices

Business partners must not participate in any form of bribery, extortion, rigging, influence peddling, malicious or unauthorized use of inside information, embezzlement, falsification, or other fraudulent practices. All information exchanged must be truthful, honest and not misleading.


Multi-Action Communication Inc. invites its employees and partners to report any breaches of its Code of Conduct, its employment standards, its standards for suppliers and its additional standards of social compliance. There are several ways for them to voice their concerns about these policies, such as line managers, human resources, or during an annual human conditions audit passed directly to suppliers. Employees and partners can also share their concerns – anonymously if they wish – by contacting “HR Multiaction” <[email protected]>.

All reports will be investigated under the supervision of our Compliance Officer, in collaboration with the Legal Department and Senior Management, and under the supervision of the Executive Committee.

Files download

Training to employees on Bill S-211


Suppliers form on modern slavery


Report on compliance with Bill S-211
